Installing Tang on OPNsense

In this comprehensive tutorial, I provide a detailed guide on how to build and install the NBDE server Tang on OPNsense. Tang offers an additional layer of security for a server environment by securely managing encryption keys. We walk through each step of the process, from compiling Tang to configuring it on OPNsense.
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Fedora encrypted disk unlocking via SSH

Introduction Since my keyboard and mouse are paired to my computer via Bluetooth and I always encrypt my hard drives with LUKS2, I ran into a chicken egg problem. At this early boot stage, the entire Bluetooth stack is not yet responsive. As a result, I can’t enter my password. The simplest solution is a wired keyboard, but then I would have multiple keyboards on the table and thus less space.
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Let’s Encrypt Certificate on FRITZ!Box

This script checks if the FRITZ!Box has a valid ssl certificate and renews it with certbot if necessary. In order to upload the certificate to the FRITZ!Box, a separate user must be created in the webinterface beforehand. It makes sense to call the script regularly (e.g. every 7 days) by a cronjob. A further development could be the dispatch of a mail when the certificate is renewed. #!/bin/bash # parameters USERNAME="fritzuser" PASSWORD="*********" CERTPATH="/root" CERTPASSWORD="" FQDN=fritzbox.
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